by: Angelica Guyagon Gotamco Elementary School conducted the Virtual School-Based Teachers’ Day Celebration with the theme: “Gurong Filipino, Katuwang sa Hamon Kasama sa Pagbangon.” It was celebrated last Friday, October 8, 2021, from 8:00 to 10:00 o’clock in the morning via Google Meet App and was spearheaded by the Faculty Club Officers led by Ms. Lorimer continue reading : TEACHERS’DAY CELEBRATION 2021

State of the School Address (SOSA) 2021
by: MA. ISABEL D. ESTUISTA Pursuant to DepEd Memorandum No. 160, s 2016 re: Status of Implementation of the School Report Card, Gotamco Elementary School through the initiative of the school head, Mrs. Laarni R. Alejandro conducted the State of the School Address last September 22, 2021 at 10 in the morning. Various stake-holders attended continue reading : State of the School Address (SOSA) 2021

Gotamco Elementary School- OPLAN BALIK-ESKWELA (OBE) 2021
by: MELANIE B. BORBE From September 6 to 17, 2021, Gotamco Elementary School enjoned itself in the Oplan Balik Eskwela (OBE) for School Year 2021- 2022 with the Theme: Bayanihan Para sa Ligtas na Balik Eskwela. The OBE is a DepEd annual initiative to engage agencies, organizations, and other stakeholders in preparation for the opening of the SY continue reading : Gotamco Elementary School- OPLAN BALIK-ESKWELA (OBE) 2021

LAC Session in ELLN
by: Kareena Victoria S. Vitto One of the Ten-Point Basic Education Agenda states that “Every Child Should Be a Reader by Grade 1” and DepEd is strengthening its reading program through the implementation of the Early Language, Literacy and Numeracy (ELLN) Program. In line with this, DepEd-NCR provided a 10-day region wide training on the said continue reading : LAC Session in ELLN